Product description
Antirost - a rust remover and corrosion protection..
Anti-stretch is a preparation that efficiently removes rust from rings, steel objects and iron constructions. Waste spots on metallic surfaces should be degreased if necessary and applied to such a degreased surface. Brush-applied agent, linseed, dipping or spraying. For some time, we allow anti-stress to act on rusted places, depending on the quantity of rust, repeat the procedure if necessary. After exposure, wash the metal surface with water and dry, and then proceed to further processing.
Packaging can not be disposed of as household waste. It must be deposited or destroyed in accordance with legal norms for industrial chemical waste.
Composition of the mixture:
- Salt solution of zinc phosphate
- the color
- water
Technical and technological characteristics:
Color - pink.
Reaction :( DIN 53785) acidic pH1-2
Antirost irritates. Means of protection: hands-rubber gloves, eye-glasses. HARMFUL HEALTH, NAGRIZING
Ecological assessment:
Salts of zinc phosphate - (acidic) salts must not be discharged into sewage before neutralization and precipitation.
R: 7/8/10/20/22/36/37
S: 2/7/15/16/22/28/29/30/37/38/45